Tuesday, December 18, 2012

BlackBerry 10 L-series

New BlackBerry 10 L-series smartphone flaunts new industrial design, texture back and front facing camera, finally.

Just yesterday RIM had teased with sparse details about the upcoming BlackBerry 10 OS based smartphone.

Now Vietnamese forum Tinhte.vn published first images of the BlackBerry 10 OS based L-series smartphone.
 The images showed the BlackBerry L-series smartphone sporting astoundingly fresh and new industrial design, quite similar to the prototype device leaked earlier.
 RIM is working hard to catch up with the touchscreen fad with its new BlackBerry 10 OS based smartphone. The leaked images of the BlackBerry L-series smartphone present a new finished design and sleek look.
 The back panel of the L-series smartphone is textured for grip and also has a Near Field Communication ship on the back panel cover.

In the front lies a 4-inch touchscreen display with anodized metal like chin and top panel. Consumers will rejoice to see a front facing camera in the L-Series device on the top. As per the images, the phone sports metallic volume control buttons and the power on/sleep button on the top.

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